Oficial Partner
Lookout is a cybersecurity platform designed to swiftly stop modern breach from the first phishing message to the final data extraction.
Lookout is a leading cybersecurity company that protects data and mobile devices against advanced threats. With a data-centric approach, it enables organizations to operate securely in mobile and cloud environments.
Beyond Technology is an authorized distributor.


Mobile Threat Defense (MTD):

Cloud Security Service (SSE): Safeguards users and data both in the cloud and on the move, reducing risks and simplifying security.

Mobile Endpoint Security (Mobile EDR): Stops breaches early with advanced detection and response capabilities on mobile devices.

Phishing and Malicious Content Protectio:Blocks malicious URLs in any app, defending against phishing and smishing attacks.

Together, we have designed and delivered next-generation network solutions that have
accelerated the digital transformation of enterprises worldwide.
Creating a more connected and efficient world for generations to come.

Advantages of Lookout’s MTD

Proactive Protection: Instantly notifies users when messages with malicious links are detected, preventing phishing and smishing attacks.

Visibility and Reports for Administrators: Provides real-time insights into coordinated attacks, such as executive impersonations, enabling quick responses.

Phishing and Malicious Content Protectio: Seamlessly integrates with platforms like MDM, offering full control over mobile devices and access to corporate resources.

Integration with Management Solutions: Seamlessly integrates with platforms like MDM, offering full control over mobile devices and access to corporate resources.