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CybersecurityHow DDoS mitigation helped sales growth at MCM Telecom and a case...

How DDoS mitigation helped sales growth at MCM Telecom and a case study

MCM server

This note will talk about the MCM Success Story that Beyond Technology achieved by creating a differentiated sales service (Clean Pipes) for MCM Telecom with the DDoS mitigation service.

First, who is MCM Telecom? It is a Mexican telecommunications company with more than 25 years of experience, focused on all sectors of the corporate and industrial field. They have an advanced fiber-optic network in the central business areas of Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara, and Queretaro.

They use agile methodologies and co-creation schemes with clients to keep our services always at the forefront. As part of the search for continuous improvement, MCM Telecom constantly expands its coverage to new business areas; and maintains a portfolio of products developed based on current trends and needs.

They develop and manage a state-of-the-art fiber-optic network, deployed in the main economic centers nationwide. The resilience of the network is inherited from telephony and collaboration services, high-performance Internet, dedicated connectivity, data center, data recovery, and connectivity to cloud solution providers, encompassed in Omnichannel, Cloud, connectivity, and cybersecurity.

Therefore, having coverage in the country’s three main cities, they were looking for a Clean Pipes service with an innovative approach that would respond to the most demanding needs of the market outside their network.

They already had a traditional technological solution based on a reactive information cleaning service, Scrubbing Center, but the drawback was that it was slow and generated additional costs.

Here is the beginning of our MCM success story, Beyond Technology, with more than 30 years of redefining business success, analyzed MCM’s business processes and decided to implement Juniper’s solution, Corero SmartWall Threat Defense Director (TDD).

Using Juniper MX routers, you can use an innovative approach to respond to denial-of-service attacks. These routers provide a real-time response, mitigation, and compliance with different regulations.

With this solution and an impeccable implementation, the MCM success story was achieved, mitigating DDoS attacks in real-time at an affordable cost.

Customer success at a glance

  • More than 98% of DDoS attacks are stopped automatically, improving network availability. It also prevents service disruption to customer operations.
  • On average, 85% of DDoS attacks last less than 10 minutes as attackers attempt to bypass DDoS mitigation.

How do we implement the Juniper-Corero solution?

The solution can mitigate DDoS attacks at the Terabit scale and reduce short-lived attacks; Juniper MX’s multi-service router platform is a vital part of the deployment.

Beyond Technology’s design and implementation in conjunction with Juniper and Corero overcame the challenges of legacy DDoS mitigation for MCM Telecom, which needed to send traffic to scrubbing centers outside of Mexico and back, taking into account the latency that affected the customer experience.

The solution provided by Beyond and Juniper-Corero is efficient from an operational standpoint. MCM Telecom leverages its MX routers for automated, high-performance DDoS mitigation.

Notably, within the implementation process, MCM Telecom highlighted and recommended several points about Beyond:

  • Implementation time.
  • Response times.
  • Operating cost optimization.
  • Product reliability.
  • Security.
  • Scalability.
  • Integration with enterprise systems.

Rating Overall Service at 9.3 on a 10-point scale.

“Beyond Technology’s ability to integrate solutions where different technology manufacturers and software developers are included gives us a competitive advantage.”

  • Armando Hernandez Razo, Operations Manager of MCM

Beyond Technology, building ecosystems of well-being and transcendence through its solution options.

The traditional approach to attack mitigation is an on-demand scheme, which translates into high costs and increases the risk of disruption due to the redirection time of malicious traffic.

Juniper-Corero optimizes the service budget and provides a premium service, adding value to your operation by providing security and network protection.

We can help you join efforts with our partners and create alliances that allow us to protect your servers and websites with the multiple solutions we provide for DDoS mitigation.

We work together, facing the challenges of each company and providing timely follow-up and support to meet your objectives.

You could be our next success story, trust the experts and empower your business with the solutions Beyond offers to take you to the next level.

Contact us, and let’s face the challenges together.


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